Our team of specialists researched and mapped historic uses, roads, trails, visual resources, wildlife linkages and corridors. Included in the analysis were natural and cultural resource conservation, protection and interpretation.
The landscape architectural scope of work included historic landscape specialty consulting and environmental planning services for the development of the Historic Canoa Ranch Master Plan. It is a 4,800-acre cultural resource park in Southern Arizona owned by Pima County. Our firm was part of a multi-disciplinary team lead by Poster Frost Mirto.
Research and field verification of existing conditions was conducted at the site, including physical resources, historic landscape elements, soils, wildlife and habitat. Our team of specialists researched and mapped historic uses, roads, trails, visual resources, wildlife linkages and corridors. Included in the analysis were natural and cultural resource conservation, protection and interpretation. Alternative concepts were developed for environmental, recreation, historic landscape and other uses for the proposed park.
First phase services included:
- Restoration of crumbling adobe buildings using period-specific methods to create new adobe bricks and coat the walls with stucco and a vibrant layer of whitewash to protect them against the elements and time.
- The water well was rehabilitated with a new pump and water lines, making potable water available on site.
- The overall historic landscape was reestablished with gravel roads and walking paths.
- Restoration work also included an adaptive re-use of an existing garage to restroom facilities that are compliant with American Disabilities Act.
In addition to the Canoa Ranch, five miles of the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail were designed through the heart of the ranch along the Santa Cruz River. The trail commemorates Juan Bautista de la Anza, a lieutenant colonel in the Royal Spanish Cavalry and the commander of the Tubac Presidio,who led a 240-person expedition to northern California.
Pima County, Arizona
Pima County Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Department
Poster Frost Mirto
Total Cost
4,800 acres
• Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Area Award, 2019